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Menu design in wedding decoration

It’s been a while since we published an article on wedding decoration , so after this break in which winter weddings have taken all the limelight, we celebrate the arrival of spring and the opening of the wedding season by going into a very particular detail: the design of the wedding menu .

When it comes to decorating the wedding tables , in addition to the choice of cutlery and crockery , the floral arrangements or the choice of seating and arrangement of the guests, a very special element that everyone will notice is the wedding menu .

The wedding banquet is the culmination of a great day, the one that (let’s not fool ourselves) all the guests are waiting for and the one to which they will allocate the most time. And if the choice of dishes is key for a wedding to be remembered better or worse (“how well we ate”), its presentation should accompany the rest of the decoration so as not to clash.

Although the design of the wedding menu usually goes unnoticed in the general project, since many times it is imposed by the restaurant itself and sometimes more attention is paid to aspects such as the tablecloth or flowers, the truth is that it is an element that everyone the guests will pay great attention. They will surely read it not once, but several times throughout the night (“let’s see how it all works now”) and therefore it is important to take care of its presentation.

In this case, it is another clear example of the symbiosis between graphic design and interior design, since in these cases not only the final styling and the accessories with which it is adorned come into play, but more graphic issues such as typography , font size or various printing techniques .

Depending on the decoration of the room or the style you want to give to the wedding (classic or modern, rustic or vintage), this is how the menu presentation should be chosen. Let’s look at some examples:

Natural menus

Ideal for outdoor weddings , these types of menus come presented with one characteristic in common: the incorporation of a branch or natural flower , often decorated with the binding of ropes. Thyme, rosemary or lavender are the most common, giving an informal yet careful air to the table decoration.

Organic Menus

A side of the previous one, also widely used in rustic weddings or with a vintage feel . It mainly uses paper, cardboard and natural materials for printing. Logs, pieces of wood, recycled paper or craft paper are the kings of this type of menus.

Feminine menus

It is not lost on anyone that the organization of weddings tends to be, in many cases, the almost exclusive property of “them”, who are the ones who choose every last detail. That is why sometimes the feminine touch is the protagonist in the design of the menu, characterized above all by pastel colors such as mauves, bluish or rose quartz and by the presence of lace, bows and filigree .

Elegant menus

Ideal for more classic and sophisticated weddings , they are usually printed on heavyweight, very good quality media, in addition to accompanying them with accessories that enhance their elegance, such as satin napkins, rhinestones or exotic flowers.

Extravagant menus

They go a step beyond elegance and are characterized, unlike the previous ones, by their unusual formats and the presence of very festive accessories, such as sequins, filigree or gold or metallic details.

Transparent Menus

They add an air of sophistication to any wedding. Whether in methacrylate or printed on special media and papers, they are usually printed in metallic or gold fonts to enhance their beauty.

Modern menus

For those who prefer a more current feel, typical of contemporary style weddings, we find a type of menu characterized by its simplicity (normally on a simple satin cardboard), its modern typography and the absence of accessories in its presentation.

Original menus

For those who want to stand out by doing something different, creativity is the only limit. Menus in the form of crossword puzzles to liven up the wait of diners, small self-service folders or menus with formats other than rectangular are curious options to surprise guests.

Linked Menus

One way to present the wedding menu is to use ribbons made of different materials to wrap it or accompany its presentation. The ties also allow you to incorporate other elements such as branches, cutlery or napkins, forming a whole set. Depending on the style, you can choose black satin bows for the most elegant ones, ropes for the most rustic ones, simple ribbon for the modern ones or lace for the most feminine weddings.